
New View of Food - A Valuable Resource

The current situation of grocery hoarding and food shortage has me reflecting on the way I think about food waste. Before the COVID-19 issue, I would get annoyed when I had to throw away spoiled food - produce that had gone unused, half a bag of molded hamburger buns, unused leftovers and countless other small but still wasted items. I am a meal planner, so I do very little impulse buying when it comes to food. I have what I need in my pantry and fridge according to my meal plans.  But as plans changed, I never consciously thought how I would make sure the food items I shopped for would be saved and put to other uses.  I never made sure I used the whole stalk of celery or prepped and froze it before it went bad, because ,Yep, I could buy another-  Now we are in a different situation. - I can’t tolerate ANY waste.  I took stock of my freezer and my pantry and know that with creative meals, no food waste and adding what we can, we will be fine. As I look at my cupboards, wher